
The Professional Cleaning Company You Can Trust

The professional cleaning company that is to be hired determines the level of cleanliness in your home or business. At Epic Cleaning, a clean environment is always valuable and a high priority. We offer our services according to your requirements. Our company has accumulated years of experience and an award-winning team that makes us the best team for professional cleaning services.

Why Choose a Professional Cleaning Company?

Choosing to give your home or business the professional touch of Epic Cleaning services guarantees that services are rendered with expertise and experience. Our team is set for the cleaning process; we embrace all types of cleaning tasks to the maximum level. Here’s why you should choose us: That is why you should choose us:

The Importance of Expertise and Experience:

To any question that might be asked or situation that may be encountered, we have hired staff with the proper approach and remedy to use. This is helpful to ensure that your premises are cleaned to the latter’s optimum every time, this is attainable because cleaning is their specialty.

High-Quality Cleaning Standards: 

It is so because apart from providing a clean environment for you and your business, we do it with precision at the right time, that is when it is safe and healthy. When you hire a professional cleaning company you expect your environment to be clean to the extreme. This is what we offer In providing our services, we seek to deliver all of the above.

Tailored Cleaning Solutions for Your Needs

At Epic Cleaning we do understand that every client-offered service is unique, and that is why we do everything possible. That is why you will be able to select a cleaning plan according to your timetable, requirements, and pocket.

Our range of professional cleaning services

Epic Cleaning does provide wide services where we can clean your home from every angle that you would wish. In and out, our team makes sure to keep it clean so that your offices or retail reflect the professionalism of your business.

Residential Cleaning Solutions: 

You understand, therefore, how much a clean home means to you. If you are an inhabitant and have no time or energy to clean, you can turn to our cleaning services and get a tidy house.

Specialized Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning: 

Floors, especially sofas or other furniture, are likely to gather dust and can also contain dust mites. These pollutants are washed away by specialized cleaning services, and your carpets and furniture look and even feel as good as new.

Window and Glass Cleaning:

It is so impressive and effective to clean the windows that a large change in the whole look of the property is produced. Special services for window cleaning make sure that no stains appear both inside and outside your premises and your windows are clear.

Advantages of the professional cleaning company

There are numerous advantages to hiring a professional cleaning company like Epic Cleaning:

Time and Cost Efficiency:

 When you employ cleaning experts, you will save much of your time, and you will not even spend your resources.

We use the shortest time to clean your space, yet our methods are efficient enough to guarantee you quality cleaning services to enable you to handle other business.

Health and Safety Compliance: 

Hygiene and cleanliness are very critical components of human health and safety. This way, we also guarantee that the products used in the cleaning process do not harm anybody in any way on your premises, so we adhere to environmentally friendly products and industry standards.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Practices:

 Being a professional cleaning company, we are at par with the world’s standard and clean with eco-friendly products only. Besides, it also saves the environment and provides you and your family with a healthy living space.

Epic Cleaning: Your Local Professional Cleaning Partner

We at Epic Cleaning are a professional cleaning service provider for homes and business establishments in Tauranga and the neighboring communities. Being local, we can also offer more personal services since there is no time lag, particularly in responding to your needs. Here’s what sets us apart: Here’s what sets us apart:

Serving Tauranga and Beyond: 

We are a homegrown company that was established to be involved with the identification of local needs and market trends. Whether you need our services for semi-annual cleaning of your upholstery or once a year for a special occasion or any one-time event we are available to assist you.

Commitment to Customer Satisfaction: 

Now, it concerns our customers of Epic Cleaning Company and they always expect to get satisfaction. There is always more than necessary attention to ensure that are fully satisfied, and all our services come with a guarantee of satisfaction.

Flexible Scheduling and Custom Plans:

 Here, we understand that each client has his demand for cleaning; that is why we have set and individual cleaning services. Emergency services, routine services, or business services – we provide a comprehensive service set for every client.

Professional Cleaning Services: How to Select the Right Cleaning Service Company

To choose the right professional cleaning firm it is relatively not very easy at all. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice: Below are some guidelines that may assist you to arrive at the best decision:

Assessing Credentials and Certifications:

 Ensure that the company you will hire has the permit and license to work with. At Epic Cleaning, we have the license and insurance to undertake your project, meaning your property is in safe hands.

Reading Reviews and Testimonials: 

Customers’ reviews and feedback gathered from customers can give a great deal of insight into the kind of service being expected. That is why we pay proper attention to the positive feedback that helps us sustain our position as a reliable cleaning provider.

Understanding Service Guarantees:

 Any companies that are in the line of cleaning services should be able to back their work. As for the guarantee, it is satisfaction; if you don’t like something, we’ll change it.

Contact Epic Cleaning today.

In the case that you are looking for a professional cleaning service to deliver on its promise then Epic Cleaning should be your choice. At this cleaning service provider, you will get all you need in cleaning services, professionalism, and quality services.

Get a Free Quote: Call today for a free, no-obligation quote and see how we can assist you. Based on your requirements, we shall provide you with the most appropriate price to be charged from you.

Speak with Our Cleaning Experts: You can reply to our team and ask any questions that you might have regarding the choices of services we offer.

Schedule Your First Service: Do not delay anymore and see what it is like to be a client of a professional cleaning company. Contact Epic Cleaning now to arrange your first service and get the healthiest environment for your home or office.

When you decide to hire Epic Cleaning, you select professional cleaning services that aim at providing the best quality results that meet the needs of their clients with high regard for the environment. We shall help you with cleaning so that you do not spend a lot of your time and energy on it and tend to what you consider most important.

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